June 20, 2015
Charlestown Area (Card’s Pond Rd, Matunuck Schoolhouse Rd, Trustom Pond NWR, Moonstone Beach, Succotash Marsh)
Leader: Dan Berard
Number of participants: 6
Species Record - 81
Notes – Beautiful weather and lots of unexpected species made for a fantastic day of birding!!
Charlestown Area (Card’s Pond Rd, Matunuck Schoolhouse Rd, Trustom Pond NWR, Moonstone Beach, Succotash Marsh)
Leader: Dan Berard
Number of participants: 6
Species Record - 81
Notes – Beautiful weather and lots of unexpected species made for a fantastic day of birding!!
Canada Goose Mute Swan GADWALL Mallard American Black Duck Common Eider CORY’S SHEARWATER Double-crested Cormorant LEAST BITTERN Great Blue Heron Great Egret Snowy Egret Green Heron Turkey Vulture Osprey Broad-winged Hawk Red-tailed Hawk Virginia Rail Piping Plover (with chicks!) Killdeer Laughing Gull Ring-billed Gull Herring Gull Great Black-backed Gull Common Tern Least Tern Rock Pigeon Mourning Dove Yellow-billed Cuckoo Chimney Swift Ruby-throated Hummingbird | Red-bellied Woodpecker Downy Woodpecker Northern Flicker Eastern Wood-Pewee Willow Flycatcher Eastern Phoebe Great Crested Flycatcher Eastern Kingbird White-eyed Vireo Warbling Vireo Red-eyed Vireo Blue Jay American Crow Fish Crow Tree Swallow Bank Swallow Barn Swallow Black-capped Chickadee Tufted Titmouse White-breasted Nuthatch Carolina Wren House Wren Marsh Wren American Robin Gray Catbird Northern Mockingbird European Starling Cedar Waxwing Blue-winged Warbler Yellow Warbler Pine Warbler American Redstart Black-and-white Warbler Ovenbird Common Yellowthroat | Eastern Towhee Chipping Sparrow Field Sparrow Saltmarsh Sparrow Song Sparrow Northern Cardinal Red-winged Blackbird Eastern Meadowlark Common Grackle Brown-headed Cowbird Orchard Oriole Baltimore Oriole House Finch American Goldfinch House Sparrow |