Eleven birders had a great day exploring Cape Ann together, and although we didn't find every single species hoped for, we were happy with 37 species and we did see. Especially, the Thick-billed Murres, up close, and the King Eiders and Redheads were real treats. Beyond the birds, it was a beautiful day in a beautiful area with a congenial group of enthusiastic birders. Thanks to Don Heitzman for a wonderful and well organized day!
Rocky Point State Park--Warwick, Rhode Island 9:00-12:00
15 members enjoyed an unseasonably mild February morning with temperatures hovering in the mid to upper 40’s. Highlights included scope views of two Eurasian Wigeon, over 1,000 Brant along the coastline, and several Harbor Seals hulled out on the rocks. A full list of species observed is included below.
From OSBC Facebook posting: On OSBC walk this morning (1/23) at Sachuest Point (and 3rd Beach) with 3 other hardy souls, highlights were 2 Iceland gulls and 1 Glaucous gull and approx 90 N. Gannets diving, a large flock Purple Sandpipers, all 3 scoters, and 4 Green Wing Teal at 3rd Beach marsh.
Sachuest Point NWR, Newport, Rhode Island, US Jan 23, 2016 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM Protocol: Traveling 2.5 mile(s) Comments: Ocean State Bird Club walk, Leader Leslie Bostrum, with Jana Hesser, Hugh Markey and Alex Allardt 27 species Canada Goose 25 Greater Scaup 50 Lesser Scaup 2 Common Eider 5 Harlequin Duck 32 Surf Scoter 10 White-winged Scoter 3 Black Scoter 24 Bufflehead 80 Common Goldeneye 20 Red-breasted Merganser 54 Red-throated Loon 7 Common Loon 24 Horned Grebe 6 Northern Gannet 85 Great Cormorant 15 Ruddy Turnstone 2 Sanderling 10 Purple Sandpiper 40 Ring-billed Gull X Herring Gull X Iceland Gull 2 Glaucous Gull 1 Great Black-backed Gull 30 American Crow 5 European Starling X Song Sparrow 1 |
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