September 3, Saturday, 6:30pm - Evening Trip
Trustom Pond NWR, South Kingston
Birds, Bugs and Bats
This is an evening walk at Trustom Pond NWR in search of birds, bugs and bats! We’ll bird the trails in search of migrants and late nesters, and as the sun sets search for bats and listen for owls. When the birds go to bed, the insects begin singing and create their own nocturnal chorus. We will walk back along the marsh, field and forest, listen to, and learn how to identify insects by their ‘songs’ and discuss how they ‘sing’.
We will meet in the Trustom Pond NWR parking lot at 6:30pm.
Note - bring a flash light, bug spray, and dress for a potentially cool evening.
Leader: Dan Berard – [email protected]
September 4, Sunday, 8:00 AM
Charlestown Breachway, Charlestown
The Charlestown Breachway is one of Rhode Island’s premiere shorebird hotspots and is an excellent place to find a diversity of shorebirds, terns, and other water birds.
While getting here involves walking and wading through water, it offers an opportunity to closely study some of our most fascinating migrants that is well worth it! In fact, it's the secluded nature of this area that makes it so productive and generally allows for close views of the birds.
Meeting location: We will meet at the Charlestown Mini-Super and carpool to the breachway parking lot.
Note - There is a fee of $7.00 to park at the breachway if you do not have a sticker; by carpooling, the fee should be minimal. Bring clothing and footwear that you are comfortable wading in; there are restrooms/changing areas in the parking lot. Bring a scope if you have one, though one is not necessary.
Meeting location: Charlestown Mini-Super, 4071 Old Post Rd, Charlestown, RI 02813. Click here for a map of the meeting location
Leader: Matt Schenck - [email protected]
Bird Banding at Walker's Farm, Barrington
Sat., Sept. 17, 2016
8:30 AM- 10:30 AM
Park at the Barrington Community Gardens at Walker's Farm, off of County Road. Please see map: https://goo.gl/maps/MiuszaMLaxE2
There is no limit on number of participants who can observe birds being extracted from the net, banded and released. Birders may also walk the grounds which contain a variety of interesting habitats for resident and migrating birds.
For people using GPS, the address to plug in is 509 County Rd (Rt. 114), Barrington, RI. The entrance to Walker Farm is 0.5 mi. north of the white Congregational Church at the intersection of Rt. 114 and Massasoit
Leaders: Steve Reinert (Master Bander) and Deirdre Robinson
September 18, Sunday, 7 – 10am
Colt State Park, Bristol
Colt State Park’s variety of habitats and location make it an excellent place to bird year round, especially in the fall. We will bird the picnic area and trails in search of migrant landbirds and scan the coast for shorebirds.
We will meet at the parking lot overlooking the stone bridge and Mill Gut, click here for a map
Leader: Suzanne French - [email protected]
September 24th, Saturday 9:00 am – 11:00 am
Hawk Identification Workshop w/ Mike Tucker
Warwick Public Library
With hawk migration at its peak, this is the perfect time to join the Ocean State Bird Club for this PowerPoint presentation aimed at helping you identify the many hawk species we find this time of year. With an emphasis of identifying hawks in flight, we will talk about both physical and behavioral characteristics of identification. Everything from shape, proportions, wing posture, how they flap and more will be discussed. Seeing a hawk swooping quickly by you doesn’t need to be chalked up as “some sort of hawk” anymore. This program is free and open to the public.
The Warwick Public Library is located at 600 Sandy Ln, Warwick, RI 02889. Click here for map
September 25, Sunday 4:30pm – 8:30pm
CT River Swallow Cruise departing from Haddam, CT
Member cost - $40
Non-member cost - $45
Click here to learn more
Trustom Pond NWR, South Kingston
Birds, Bugs and Bats
This is an evening walk at Trustom Pond NWR in search of birds, bugs and bats! We’ll bird the trails in search of migrants and late nesters, and as the sun sets search for bats and listen for owls. When the birds go to bed, the insects begin singing and create their own nocturnal chorus. We will walk back along the marsh, field and forest, listen to, and learn how to identify insects by their ‘songs’ and discuss how they ‘sing’.
We will meet in the Trustom Pond NWR parking lot at 6:30pm.
Note - bring a flash light, bug spray, and dress for a potentially cool evening.
Leader: Dan Berard – [email protected]
September 4, Sunday, 8:00 AM
Charlestown Breachway, Charlestown
The Charlestown Breachway is one of Rhode Island’s premiere shorebird hotspots and is an excellent place to find a diversity of shorebirds, terns, and other water birds.
While getting here involves walking and wading through water, it offers an opportunity to closely study some of our most fascinating migrants that is well worth it! In fact, it's the secluded nature of this area that makes it so productive and generally allows for close views of the birds.
Meeting location: We will meet at the Charlestown Mini-Super and carpool to the breachway parking lot.
Note - There is a fee of $7.00 to park at the breachway if you do not have a sticker; by carpooling, the fee should be minimal. Bring clothing and footwear that you are comfortable wading in; there are restrooms/changing areas in the parking lot. Bring a scope if you have one, though one is not necessary.
Meeting location: Charlestown Mini-Super, 4071 Old Post Rd, Charlestown, RI 02813. Click here for a map of the meeting location
Leader: Matt Schenck - [email protected]
Bird Banding at Walker's Farm, Barrington
Sat., Sept. 17, 2016
8:30 AM- 10:30 AM
Park at the Barrington Community Gardens at Walker's Farm, off of County Road. Please see map: https://goo.gl/maps/MiuszaMLaxE2
There is no limit on number of participants who can observe birds being extracted from the net, banded and released. Birders may also walk the grounds which contain a variety of interesting habitats for resident and migrating birds.
For people using GPS, the address to plug in is 509 County Rd (Rt. 114), Barrington, RI. The entrance to Walker Farm is 0.5 mi. north of the white Congregational Church at the intersection of Rt. 114 and Massasoit
Leaders: Steve Reinert (Master Bander) and Deirdre Robinson
September 18, Sunday, 7 – 10am
Colt State Park, Bristol
Colt State Park’s variety of habitats and location make it an excellent place to bird year round, especially in the fall. We will bird the picnic area and trails in search of migrant landbirds and scan the coast for shorebirds.
We will meet at the parking lot overlooking the stone bridge and Mill Gut, click here for a map
Leader: Suzanne French - [email protected]
September 24th, Saturday 9:00 am – 11:00 am
Hawk Identification Workshop w/ Mike Tucker
Warwick Public Library
With hawk migration at its peak, this is the perfect time to join the Ocean State Bird Club for this PowerPoint presentation aimed at helping you identify the many hawk species we find this time of year. With an emphasis of identifying hawks in flight, we will talk about both physical and behavioral characteristics of identification. Everything from shape, proportions, wing posture, how they flap and more will be discussed. Seeing a hawk swooping quickly by you doesn’t need to be chalked up as “some sort of hawk” anymore. This program is free and open to the public.
The Warwick Public Library is located at 600 Sandy Ln, Warwick, RI 02889. Click here for map
September 25, Sunday 4:30pm – 8:30pm
CT River Swallow Cruise departing from Haddam, CT
Member cost - $40
Non-member cost - $45
Click here to learn more