May 3, Sunday
Bird Walk: Swan Point Cemetery, Providence. 7am-10am
This is a great time to explore one of the best warbler migration spots in Southern New England. In addition to the warblers, there is always a nice assortment of vireos, flycatchers, thrushes and more. We will meet on the lawn area just outside the main gate. Please park along the main road before or after the apron that leads to the gate.
Leader: Dan Berard - [email protected]
May 11, Monday
Bird Walk: Miantonomi Memorial Park, Newport. 7am-9am
Miantonomi could be considered southern Rhode Island's answer to Swan Point Cemetery. We will walk the park and sift through the neotropical migrants in search of rarities. We will meet at the playing field on the east side of the park, parking along the road.
Leader: Matt Schenck – [email protected]
May 11, Monday 7:00 PM - 8:30
Location TBD
Presentation: From Cerulean Warblers to Coffee: The Impact of Coffee Growing Practices on Subtropical Migrants by Ernesto Carman
click here for more information on Ernesto and his presentation
May 17, Sunday
Bird Walk: Trustom Pond National Wildlife Refuge, South Kingston. 7am-10am
The varied habitats of Trustom Pond provide an excellent assortment of migrant warblers, thrushes and vireos. While searching for these migrants we will also find a variety of nesting birds from Ospreys to White-eyed Vireos.
NOTE: Due to limited parking, we will meet at the Tower Hill Park N Ride located in South Kingstown at the intersection of Rte 138 and Rte 1 at 6:30am. From here, we will carpool to Trustom Pond NWR for 7am.
Leaders: Dan Berard – [email protected] and Mike Tucker
May 17, Sunday
Birds, Beer, and Dinner
6 PM at Brewtopia in Cranston
Join Jack Sullivan and other members of the Ocean State Bird Club as we gather informally to swap birding stories and visit with people who share an interest in birds. All levels of birders are welcome. Come meet new members or simply hang out with those you know. Sample some of the many varieties of beer or stay to eat dinner (participants responsible for their own purchases). The Brutopia is located at
505 Atwood Avenue, Cranston, RI Tel # 464-8877.
May 21, Thursday 6:30 – 8:30 (talk begins at 7:00)
Warwick Public Library, 600 Sandy Lane, Warwick, RI 02889
Presentation: Whooping Cranes and Operation Migration by Jo-Anne Bellemer
click here to learn more about Jo-Anne and her talk
May 22, Friday
Bird Walk: Swan Point Cemetery, Providence. 7am-10am
This is a great time to explore one of the best warbler migration spots in Southern New England. In addition to the warblers, there is always a nice assortment of vireos, flycatchers, thrushes and more. We will meet on the lawn area just outside the main gate. Please park along the main road before or after the apron that leads to the gate.
Leader: Dan Berard - [email protected]
May 23, Saturday
Bird Walk: Miantonomi Memorial Park, Newport. 7:30am-9:30am
Miantonomi could be considered southern Rhode Island's answer to Swan Point Cemetery. We will walk the park and sift through the neotropical migrants in search of rarities. We will meet at the playing field on the east side of the park, parking along the road.
Leader: Lauren Parmelee – [email protected]
May 23rd, Saturday
Neutaconkanut Park Walk
Meet at 7:30 am in the recreation center parking lot
675 Plainfield Street, Providence, RI 02909, map
We’ll look for spring migrants as well as recently arrived spring nesters. The dirt trails are well marked with a bit of climbing (this park is the highest point in Providence), probably 1 – 1.5 miles walking. Heavy rain cancels walk. [email protected] or [email protected]
Leaders: Leslie Bostrum and Jana Hesser
May 24th, Sunday
YBI Bird Walk: Miantonomi Memorial Park, Newport. 10am-12pm
The Youth Birders Initiative will hold a walk at Miantonomi Park in Newport on Sunday May 24th from 10:00-12:00 PM, Miantonomi is one of the premier locations for birding spring migration in Rhode Island, with a wide variety of warblers and other migrants using the park as a key stop over location. The group will meet at the east entrance of the park near the play ground, Parking is on Hillside Ave. near the intersection of Admiral Kalbfus Rd. Youth Birders Initiative walks are for children age 8-18. all participants under the age of 14 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Please review all of the YBI policies listed on the Ocean State Bird Clubs website, and contact Susan Delfs at [email protected] with any additional questions.
Walk Leaders: Susan Delfs, Matt Schenck, Mark Pagliarini
May 30th, Saturday
Great Swamp Birding 7:00 am-11:00 am
This is a great time of year to hike the swamp as the breeding birds are settling onto their territory. Few places in the region offer such a wide variety of warblers, sparrows, vireos, flycatchers, swallows, waterfowl, hawks, wading birds and more. We will meet in the parking lot at the end of Great Neck Road in West Kingston.
Leader: Mike Tucker
Bird Walk: Swan Point Cemetery, Providence. 7am-10am
This is a great time to explore one of the best warbler migration spots in Southern New England. In addition to the warblers, there is always a nice assortment of vireos, flycatchers, thrushes and more. We will meet on the lawn area just outside the main gate. Please park along the main road before or after the apron that leads to the gate.
Leader: Dan Berard - [email protected]
May 11, Monday
Bird Walk: Miantonomi Memorial Park, Newport. 7am-9am
Miantonomi could be considered southern Rhode Island's answer to Swan Point Cemetery. We will walk the park and sift through the neotropical migrants in search of rarities. We will meet at the playing field on the east side of the park, parking along the road.
Leader: Matt Schenck – [email protected]
May 11, Monday 7:00 PM - 8:30
Location TBD
Presentation: From Cerulean Warblers to Coffee: The Impact of Coffee Growing Practices on Subtropical Migrants by Ernesto Carman
click here for more information on Ernesto and his presentation
May 17, Sunday
Bird Walk: Trustom Pond National Wildlife Refuge, South Kingston. 7am-10am
The varied habitats of Trustom Pond provide an excellent assortment of migrant warblers, thrushes and vireos. While searching for these migrants we will also find a variety of nesting birds from Ospreys to White-eyed Vireos.
NOTE: Due to limited parking, we will meet at the Tower Hill Park N Ride located in South Kingstown at the intersection of Rte 138 and Rte 1 at 6:30am. From here, we will carpool to Trustom Pond NWR for 7am.
Leaders: Dan Berard – [email protected] and Mike Tucker
May 17, Sunday
Birds, Beer, and Dinner
6 PM at Brewtopia in Cranston
Join Jack Sullivan and other members of the Ocean State Bird Club as we gather informally to swap birding stories and visit with people who share an interest in birds. All levels of birders are welcome. Come meet new members or simply hang out with those you know. Sample some of the many varieties of beer or stay to eat dinner (participants responsible for their own purchases). The Brutopia is located at
505 Atwood Avenue, Cranston, RI Tel # 464-8877.
May 21, Thursday 6:30 – 8:30 (talk begins at 7:00)
Warwick Public Library, 600 Sandy Lane, Warwick, RI 02889
Presentation: Whooping Cranes and Operation Migration by Jo-Anne Bellemer
click here to learn more about Jo-Anne and her talk
May 22, Friday
Bird Walk: Swan Point Cemetery, Providence. 7am-10am
This is a great time to explore one of the best warbler migration spots in Southern New England. In addition to the warblers, there is always a nice assortment of vireos, flycatchers, thrushes and more. We will meet on the lawn area just outside the main gate. Please park along the main road before or after the apron that leads to the gate.
Leader: Dan Berard - [email protected]
May 23, Saturday
Bird Walk: Miantonomi Memorial Park, Newport. 7:30am-9:30am
Miantonomi could be considered southern Rhode Island's answer to Swan Point Cemetery. We will walk the park and sift through the neotropical migrants in search of rarities. We will meet at the playing field on the east side of the park, parking along the road.
Leader: Lauren Parmelee – [email protected]
May 23rd, Saturday
Neutaconkanut Park Walk
Meet at 7:30 am in the recreation center parking lot
675 Plainfield Street, Providence, RI 02909, map
We’ll look for spring migrants as well as recently arrived spring nesters. The dirt trails are well marked with a bit of climbing (this park is the highest point in Providence), probably 1 – 1.5 miles walking. Heavy rain cancels walk. [email protected] or [email protected]
Leaders: Leslie Bostrum and Jana Hesser
May 24th, Sunday
YBI Bird Walk: Miantonomi Memorial Park, Newport. 10am-12pm
The Youth Birders Initiative will hold a walk at Miantonomi Park in Newport on Sunday May 24th from 10:00-12:00 PM, Miantonomi is one of the premier locations for birding spring migration in Rhode Island, with a wide variety of warblers and other migrants using the park as a key stop over location. The group will meet at the east entrance of the park near the play ground, Parking is on Hillside Ave. near the intersection of Admiral Kalbfus Rd. Youth Birders Initiative walks are for children age 8-18. all participants under the age of 14 must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Please review all of the YBI policies listed on the Ocean State Bird Clubs website, and contact Susan Delfs at [email protected] with any additional questions.
Walk Leaders: Susan Delfs, Matt Schenck, Mark Pagliarini
May 30th, Saturday
Great Swamp Birding 7:00 am-11:00 am
This is a great time of year to hike the swamp as the breeding birds are settling onto their territory. Few places in the region offer such a wide variety of warblers, sparrows, vireos, flycatchers, swallows, waterfowl, hawks, wading birds and more. We will meet in the parking lot at the end of Great Neck Road in West Kingston.
Leader: Mike Tucker