If you RSVP, walk leaders and presenters will know to contact you if plans change, but RSVP is not necessary and you are free to just show up.
Before attending any of the free club sponsored walks, please refer to Walk Guidelines and the ABA's Code of Birding Ethics for reminders and advice.
Before attending any of the free club sponsored walks, please refer to Walk Guidelines and the ABA's Code of Birding Ethics for reminders and advice.
June 1, Sunday
Buck Hill Management Area, Burrilville. 8am, Morning trip.
Buck Hill contains unique habitat within RI being part of a large continuous forest that extends into Ma as Douglas State Forest. Because of this, it is also a unique place to bird. We will meet in the parking lot located 2.2 miles from the junction of Rte 100 and Buck Hill Rd, look for a dirt road after the sign.
Leader: Jan StJean – [email protected]
June 5, Thursday
Napatree Point, Westerly. 7:30am, Morning trip.
***This walk is postponed due to weather. It will be rescheduled for a later date.***
Napatree Point is one of RI’s shorebirding hot spots. We will walk out to the point in search of migrant spring shorebirds. Be prepared to walk on sand. Park on the street, we will meet at the entrance.
Leader: Jan StJean – [email protected]
June 6, Friday
Great Swamp, South Kingstown. 7:30 - 10:30am
We will walk the impoundment of the Great Swamp Management Area in search of late migrants and nesting birds. Remember to bring bug repellent and sunscreen. We will meet at the parking area located on Rt 138 just west of the intersection with Rt 110.
Leader: Leslie Bostrom - [email protected]
June 8, Sunday
Mount Hope Farm, Bristol. 7:30am, Morning trip.
Mount Hope Farm is a beautifully maintained historic site with great birding opportunities. We will meet at the Trail Parking Lot located 500ft south of the main entrance on South Pasture Rd.
Leader: Lauren Parmelee - [email protected]
June 15, Sunday
Trustom Pond NWR Search for Nesting Birds. 7am to noon.
In this trip, we will concentrate on looking for and confirming nesting birds. Trustom Pond NWR offers a variety of habitats and we will spend time in each one seeing which species we can confirm nesting. Due to the nature of the trip, this will require a lot of patience as we watch for courtship behavior, nest building, nests and young for each possible nesting species we encounter. At the end of the trip, we will make a list of each species recorded along with their ‘best evidence’.
RSVP’ing is recommended
We will meet at the Tower Hill Park N Ride in North Kingstown at 6:30am to carpool to Trustom for 7am.
Leader: Dan Berard – [email protected]
June 19th, Thursday
Birds and Beer. Doherty's East Avenue Cafe. 342 East Avenue, Pawtucket. 6:30 pm
A casual gathering to raise our glasses together! Share your spring sightings and anticipate what you hope to see this summer and fall. Enjoy Doherty's huge collection of brews and foods. Please note that participants are responsible for the purchase of their own food and drink.
In order to give Doherty's an idea of the number of people attending this event, please email Marge Bradley at [email protected].
Buck Hill Management Area, Burrilville. 8am, Morning trip.
Buck Hill contains unique habitat within RI being part of a large continuous forest that extends into Ma as Douglas State Forest. Because of this, it is also a unique place to bird. We will meet in the parking lot located 2.2 miles from the junction of Rte 100 and Buck Hill Rd, look for a dirt road after the sign.
Leader: Jan StJean – [email protected]
June 5, Thursday
Napatree Point, Westerly. 7:30am, Morning trip.
***This walk is postponed due to weather. It will be rescheduled for a later date.***
Napatree Point is one of RI’s shorebirding hot spots. We will walk out to the point in search of migrant spring shorebirds. Be prepared to walk on sand. Park on the street, we will meet at the entrance.
Leader: Jan StJean – [email protected]
June 6, Friday
Great Swamp, South Kingstown. 7:30 - 10:30am
We will walk the impoundment of the Great Swamp Management Area in search of late migrants and nesting birds. Remember to bring bug repellent and sunscreen. We will meet at the parking area located on Rt 138 just west of the intersection with Rt 110.
Leader: Leslie Bostrom - [email protected]
June 8, Sunday
Mount Hope Farm, Bristol. 7:30am, Morning trip.
Mount Hope Farm is a beautifully maintained historic site with great birding opportunities. We will meet at the Trail Parking Lot located 500ft south of the main entrance on South Pasture Rd.
Leader: Lauren Parmelee - [email protected]
June 15, Sunday
Trustom Pond NWR Search for Nesting Birds. 7am to noon.
In this trip, we will concentrate on looking for and confirming nesting birds. Trustom Pond NWR offers a variety of habitats and we will spend time in each one seeing which species we can confirm nesting. Due to the nature of the trip, this will require a lot of patience as we watch for courtship behavior, nest building, nests and young for each possible nesting species we encounter. At the end of the trip, we will make a list of each species recorded along with their ‘best evidence’.
RSVP’ing is recommended
We will meet at the Tower Hill Park N Ride in North Kingstown at 6:30am to carpool to Trustom for 7am.
Leader: Dan Berard – [email protected]
June 19th, Thursday
Birds and Beer. Doherty's East Avenue Cafe. 342 East Avenue, Pawtucket. 6:30 pm
A casual gathering to raise our glasses together! Share your spring sightings and anticipate what you hope to see this summer and fall. Enjoy Doherty's huge collection of brews and foods. Please note that participants are responsible for the purchase of their own food and drink.
In order to give Doherty's an idea of the number of people attending this event, please email Marge Bradley at [email protected].