January 10, Saturday (Rain Date - Jan 11, Sunday)
Sachuest Point NWR, Middletown. 9am. Morning Trip
Sachuest National Wildlife Refuge in Middletown RI is the premiere spot for winter waterfowl watching. January is the middle of the winter season and a good time to look for rarities, as well as, the beautiful array of waterfowl to be found in the rough waters around the point. Dress very warmly and bring scopes if you have them.
Leader: Lauren Parmelee - [email protected]
Saturday January 17 at Sachuest Point NWR from 10:00-12:00
Young Birders Initiative Walk
Kids ages 10-18 are invited to meet other birders their age and enjoy a walk led by Matt Schenck, Mark Pagliarini, and Susan Delfs. Parents are encouraged to participate and join in the adventure.
Saturday, January 31 Birding for a Cause: Coastal Rhode Island Winter Birding Workshop -Day Trip
8am – 4pm
Weather Date: Sunday, February 1, 2015
To benefit the Ocean State Bird Club
Logistics and cost>
Click here to register>>
Join Dan Berard and Gina Nichol to discover the avian specialties that spend the winter along the Rhode Island Coast during a day of birding to benefit the newly formed Ocean State Bird Club.
February 8, Sunday. Steere Hill Land Trust, Glocester 9am. Morning Trip
Due to poor parking conditions, this trip has been cancelled.
We will spend the morning walking around the Steere Hill Glocester Land Trust in search of wintering forest and field birds. We'll also discuss basic tree ID and how this can assist you in finding birds in the winter. We will meet in the Steere Hill parking lot across from the Harmony Post Office. It's a dirt lot marked by a red sign.
Leader: Dan Berard - [email protected]
February 20, Friday 6 PM Birds, Beer, and Dinner at Doherty's Ale House in Warwick, RI
Join Jack Sullivan and other members of the Ocean State Bird Club as we gather informally to swap birding stories and visit with people who share an interest in birds. All levels of birders are welcome. Come meet new members or simply hang with those you know. Sample some of the many varieties of beer or stay to eat dinner. Visit Doherty's website to learn more about their menu and to find directions to their Warwick restaurant. Doherty's Ale House in Warwick, RI.
February 23, Monday “Wings Over Water: Songbird Migrations over the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean”
Presented by Steve Reinert
Warwick Public Library
7pm (6:30 meet and greet)
45-50 minute presentation
Click here to learn more about Steve and his presentation
February 25, Wednesday at 7 PM at the Barrington Library
"Epic Journeys" a Documentary Film
Epic Journeys, a film by local filmmakers Shawn Carey and Jim Grady tracks the migration of shorebirds in the Western Hemisphere, including Rhode Island.
A pre-film lecture and after film Q&A with Dan Berard, Vice President of the Ocean State Bird Club is included.
Sponsored by Friends of Barrington Public Library.
http://www.barringtonlibrary.org/films.htm bottom of the page
Saturday February 28th Youth Birders Walk from 10-12 at Sachuest Point NWR
open for children between the ages of 8 to 18 and their parents/guardians
OSBC Youth Birders Initiative Policies and Procedures
OSBC Youth Birders Initiative Event Permission Slip
Sachuest Point NWR, Middletown. 9am. Morning Trip
Sachuest National Wildlife Refuge in Middletown RI is the premiere spot for winter waterfowl watching. January is the middle of the winter season and a good time to look for rarities, as well as, the beautiful array of waterfowl to be found in the rough waters around the point. Dress very warmly and bring scopes if you have them.
Leader: Lauren Parmelee - [email protected]
Saturday January 17 at Sachuest Point NWR from 10:00-12:00
Young Birders Initiative Walk
Kids ages 10-18 are invited to meet other birders their age and enjoy a walk led by Matt Schenck, Mark Pagliarini, and Susan Delfs. Parents are encouraged to participate and join in the adventure.
Saturday, January 31 Birding for a Cause: Coastal Rhode Island Winter Birding Workshop -Day Trip
8am – 4pm
Weather Date: Sunday, February 1, 2015
To benefit the Ocean State Bird Club
Logistics and cost>
Click here to register>>
Join Dan Berard and Gina Nichol to discover the avian specialties that spend the winter along the Rhode Island Coast during a day of birding to benefit the newly formed Ocean State Bird Club.
February 8, Sunday. Steere Hill Land Trust, Glocester 9am. Morning Trip
Due to poor parking conditions, this trip has been cancelled.
We will spend the morning walking around the Steere Hill Glocester Land Trust in search of wintering forest and field birds. We'll also discuss basic tree ID and how this can assist you in finding birds in the winter. We will meet in the Steere Hill parking lot across from the Harmony Post Office. It's a dirt lot marked by a red sign.
Leader: Dan Berard - [email protected]
February 20, Friday 6 PM Birds, Beer, and Dinner at Doherty's Ale House in Warwick, RI
Join Jack Sullivan and other members of the Ocean State Bird Club as we gather informally to swap birding stories and visit with people who share an interest in birds. All levels of birders are welcome. Come meet new members or simply hang with those you know. Sample some of the many varieties of beer or stay to eat dinner. Visit Doherty's website to learn more about their menu and to find directions to their Warwick restaurant. Doherty's Ale House in Warwick, RI.
February 23, Monday “Wings Over Water: Songbird Migrations over the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean”
Presented by Steve Reinert
Warwick Public Library
7pm (6:30 meet and greet)
45-50 minute presentation
Click here to learn more about Steve and his presentation
February 25, Wednesday at 7 PM at the Barrington Library
"Epic Journeys" a Documentary Film
Epic Journeys, a film by local filmmakers Shawn Carey and Jim Grady tracks the migration of shorebirds in the Western Hemisphere, including Rhode Island.
A pre-film lecture and after film Q&A with Dan Berard, Vice President of the Ocean State Bird Club is included.
Sponsored by Friends of Barrington Public Library.
http://www.barringtonlibrary.org/films.htm bottom of the page
Saturday February 28th Youth Birders Walk from 10-12 at Sachuest Point NWR
open for children between the ages of 8 to 18 and their parents/guardians
OSBC Youth Birders Initiative Policies and Procedures
OSBC Youth Birders Initiative Event Permission Slip